Starting new group Wednesday April 9th!! Teen Inter-Personal Social group!

Teen Inter-Personal Social group (TIPS) is a weekly therapeutic group (7-8 p.m.) beginning on Wednesday April 9th at Change Points in Arlington Heights.  This fun group utilizes evidence based treatment including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the Social Thinking curriculum (e.g. Superflex) to help teens build their social skills.  This group therapy is ideal for adolescent boys and girls ages 12-17 who are ready to learn how to think flexibly, read social cues, connect with peers, build confidence, decrease social anxiety, improve communication, and build social awareness and motivation.  Creative learning methods include:  watercolors, iPad games, Animal-Assisted Therapy, game therapy, and role-playing.

Call (630) 291-1097 or email to register for this group!

BCBS is accepted!!